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  • faye3897

Boom or Bust - here we go again........

The following video was submitted by Lyle McKain , who, as you can see was the 1981 Tour Sheet "pinup", The following video is accurate to this day, presently we are on the upswing.

For the domestic operation, whenever "new to the oilfield" crew members (green hands) were hired for a rig, they would be cautioned of the ups and downs of the industry so be careful with your money - you'll need it when your rig is down. It was explained that the land rigs in cold climates such as Canada have spring break-up, so when March rolls around so does break-up, bans are placed on roads to prevent heavy loads on them thus rig moves at the completion of a well are out of the question, the rig is laid down and the crews laid off. Break up can last from March until November, depending on the current activity in the industry, if the industry is slow there may not be any more work for that rig until the winter drilling program starts and we'd all hope for a cold winter so the thermostats would be turned up using fuel. When there is a slump in the industry such as what we just came through, it doesn't matter what time of year, the rig is down. Very few of the new young hires pay any attention to this information, and as soon as they have had a few paydays, a new vehicle would be bought which most times would be a half or three-quarter ton truck, completely loaded and sporting a lot of chrome, right down to the very expensive fancy wheels. The career oil worker realized after having a vehicle or two repossessed that perhaps a bit of planning and budgeting would help. Those many wise ones have made a successful life while staying in this industry, rolling along with the ups and downs, many times during their careers having to take other employment until the industry starts up again, The majority of those in a more senior positions and those that want to be, always come back. It does get in their blood, thank goodness, because they play such an important part in our world.

Just click on the site and I hope you enjoy it, Contrary to the message in the video as you all know, there has been much more success than not.

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