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  • faye3897

Creative Partnering

I had to share this clip with you. It represents so many stages in ones life, the people that help us out and "lift" us up, getting us back on track for the next day..

I've had many of those assists in my career, starting with the people that I had the good fortune of working with in the office, to those rig crews that would stay over a day or more if there was a staff problem and the spouse who agreed as long as it was only for a couple of days. If a camp staff member needed temporarily replacing, and we didn't have an extra, rather than hire someone for such a short period I would, for example, call Maxine at Jomax Drilling, they also crewed their own camps, to see if there was someone she could lend for a week or two, and she did the same.

The assists for offshore hiring have at times come from one of our own crew members recommending someone they knew and trusted. I do not remember any of those personnel recommended that did not work out, perhaps a couple didn't stay permanently but they were all very qualified and available at the time.. An example of this that I had mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, was some years ago when one of the offshore operations called to ask what I had for crane operators as they would eventually be needing 5 . Tony Miglecz, who was drilling domestically for us, was in my office when I got off the phone moaning that I needed crane operators and at that moment I had no applicants at all. That was one of my luckiest days, because it turned out that his neighbor was an offshore crane operator who's project was shutting down and that one name that Tony gave me resulted in eventually getting all of the operators needed.

Cindy Hames is my current assist who still helps me with this blog whenever something more complicated than typing is required, I do the "call a friend" routine, fortunately she hasn't set a limit of how many calls I can make....yet.

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