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  • faye3897

FAMILY, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

quote by Chandler Warren

Let me introduce you to my family who put up with a working Mom all of their growing up years. Some even still put up with me.

My oldest Son Shane, spent part of one summer holiday working as a leasehand, he's now an artist! Loved the money but said could do without the rest of it. Shane has one daughter.

Elana, my oldest daughter is responsible for suggesting and urging me to start this blog, that's as close as she was coming to this industry. Elana had owned a large competitive dance studio for many years and is now Volunteer Resource Administrator, Community Development for the City of Leduc. She and her husband Greg, have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

Tamara my 2nd daughter has chosen health homecare and housekeeping as her career - notice the pattern here - no oil industry. Tamara has two children and three grandchildren.

Corey, my youngest son chose the oil Industry and was in it for 25 years until covid shutdown the international flights. He now has a landscaping, maintenance, jack of all trades business. Corey and Claudia have 1 daughter.

The pictures on left with the exception of my daughter (who is in the group picture) are her family members that were missing from the group family picture.

The names of my grandchildren are JC (Jasmine Celeste), Jenna, Bailey and Tanner, Bernie, Nikki and Amy.

The names of my great grandchildren are Brynlie, Jamieson, Carter, Charlie, Halle, Madilynn, Gael and newest member below is Alexander who joined the family after the group photo was taken.

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