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  • faye3897

HI*A*TUS...........being gone from something temporarily

I am taking some downtime from my blog to regroup and get my rhythm back.

My oldest son had been critically ill. As you can understand all of my thoughts were for him to get better - which, thank the Lord has happened, he is now out of hospital and back at his home. This took all of my thoughts and concentration and I've now discovered that once sidetracked by something as frightening as this, its hard to focus and get back on track.

You are born into your family and your family is born into you, no returns, no exchanges...............Elizabeth Berg

I will be back, as I have loved doing this blog and sharing stories, but my head and my heart have to be in the same place when doing them so please give me a little time.

For any of you that have a story you would be willing to share, please send to me. I would really appreciate them. We all have a story, so share with me.

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