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  • faye3897

Hola Mexico, como estas?

Not only did I have the good fortune of attending Management Meetings in Mexico City,

but to also visit the Mexico Office in Ciudad del Carmen, Estado Campeche twice. My first visit was while Kevin Roche was VP/GM and the second visit Therald Martin was in that position.. Visiting the Mexico Division meant that I would finally get to meet Annette Loginow and the rest of the staff. I had spoken on the phone with Annette and her sister Simone Lazzari very many times over the years, not only while in the Mexico division but also Venezuela ,Brazil; etc.. When I visited this office, Annette would pick me up very early every morning for the drive to the office and I loved that drive - streets were bustling with commuters, the taco stands all set up side by side on the roadside so you could quickly buy either breakfast or lunch or both and it was delivered to your window while you were stuck in traffic, it was just such a busy fun ride to work, I know it was much more entertaining for me than my Driver! At the end of the day if Annette was staying a bit longer to work on a project then I would catch a ride with either a superintendent or whomever was going in the direction of my hotel.

As you can see by the photo I still have my crew book with me., this book had contact information for Shore based and Noble rig crews for all of the international rigs working in 2010, the year I retired.. I knew all of this information was on the computer and that I could access it at anytime, but WHAT IF someone called with an urgent request and I was somewhere with no computer, what would I do, so I packed the crew book in my car; I knew I could always find a phone. This book was still packed in my backseat when I retired so it came home with me and was stored away with all of the other memories... I had forgotten about it until I started looking for pictures etc. for this blog.

The staff photos on this page were sent to me compliments of Annette Loginow, via her sister Simone, thank you Annette and Simone, after all these years, even in retirement, I'm still needy and you are still helping me out..

As a vacation destination, Mexico was definitely my favorite, I had been to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas. San Jose del Cabo and Mazatlan, Now there is a drillship called The Noble Faye Kozack in the Gulf of Mexico. If I was reincarnated and brought back, It could not be any better than this.!

What I really would like is pictures of everyone on this vessel so I can post them,. Sam could you and others make this possible?

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