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  • faye3897

I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.........

This applied "in my working day" when we were busy trying to get documentation, immunization, and testing done in the given time limits, at times it was impossible as we were at the mercy of a third party,

Well here I am again, but this time around, I have a completely different problem , I'm at the mercy of myself with time management and decision making regarding what to talk about each blog day.. I am getting a good response from many of you with great pictures and/or stories, which I am very happy about, please continue. I now have to get them together in an order that will make them as entertaining to you as the are to me.

In retirement there seems to be no time management - you either have no time or too much time...which probably explains Dave Gillespie coming out of retirement and happily going back to a scheduled workday. That same idea has crossed my mind many times since my retirement.

It seemed very fitting that the first rig Dave would go back to would on be the Noble Bob Douglas, Dave and Bob had worked together a long time with much respect and friendship for each other.

There were still a few familiar faces, one being Bruno Schuster who is pictured here with Dave, so good to see familiar faces and know that they are still with Noble.

The next Rig visited was the Noble Tom Madden, here Dave was reunited with the fine young fellow from Saskatchewan , Ed Schreiner plus Mississippi's own Michael Downs. A little history, Ed and Michael originally worked together on the Charles Copeland in 1998, and then this trio - Dave, Ed and Michael worked together on the Leo Segerius in 2004. The last time they worked together (until now) was in 2010 on the NLS. These three amigos seem to keep finding each other.

Ed's "quote" regarding the photo of he and Dave sitting, "Dave with his eyes closed - Typical Service hand" followed by a laughing face. Look out for retaliation Ed!.

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