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  • faye3897

I wished I'd have kept a diary.....

I'm going to write a few more bits and pieces of funny stories or events that I've heard or been a part of over the years, as they come to mind I jot them down and then share along the way with you, I hope you enjoy.

Cliff Killinger was Barge Engineer for Noble Middle East. His rotation was the usual 28/28. Their home was a few hours away from Edmonton airport so when Cliff was leaving to go to work for his 28 day hitch his wife Missy would drop Cliff off at the airport and then her 28 day hitch would start, beginning by spending a couple of days at my house. We would shop, go to movies, dinners and just have fun socializing with any of the wives that were close by who's husbands were also away at work. I always made sure that I had a few bottles of red and white on hand When Cliff's hitch was over and he was on his way home for his 28 days, Missy again would come into town a day or two early, stay at my house and we'd repeat the schedule -shop, movies, eat! When our winter season started and the road conditions were unsafe, our nightfall starting at 4PM with temperatures much below zero they would both spend the night prior to departure or after arrival, whichever the case. The the unspeakable happened...... Cliff retired and so did our schedule, although we do still visit occasionally but without the shopping.

My first trip to the Middle East was compliments of Cliff. He flew Missy and I to Qatar for a week, Cliff was working in the shipyard in Sharjah at the time, so we visited him at his place of work as well as a visit to the Gold Suq (market), then back to Qatar for remainder of days., staying with Tom and Ann Prosser . The picture that I shared on an earlier blog about Middle East is Cliff, Missy and myself in front of the Gold Suq.

Gordon Houlton was relief pushing on E1501 when the cook who was scheduled to come into work within the next few days called the rig to say she wasn't going to make it for her scheduled hitch. Gordon called to say that they needed a cook for that date, said I'll see who we have available or perhaps a new hire if necessary. Gordon said if its a new hire could I hire someone that looks a lot like Carlene Carter (the country singer)?" I said :of course I could Gordon, and would you like her to be able to sing too? Had a good chuckle over that.

This story is only a small part of a story that Lyle McKain told. At the time that he related this story to me it was over the phone, I was laughing and also writing notes as quickly as I could and now I can't read my own writing so, I'm just going to relay the parts that I can read!! The rest will come at a later date.

Lyle was working in Moncton Pass with Carl Osterlund, Ron Cockburn, Norm Green, Tully Johnson and Barry (last name momentarily forgotten), It was crew change day and they were on their way to to the Tumbler Ridge airstrip, again its the middle of winter, so very bad road conditions which included lots of ice and drifting snow. Carl Osterlund was driving very fast , car was swerving back and forth and up and down the snow banks, Lyle, Ron, Norm, Tully and Barry were getting a bit worried and suggested loudly that perhaps he could slow down a bit. Carl replied "you guys don't need to worry about a thing, I used to be a race car driver" - that said just before they went over the embankment!

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