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  • faye3897

Its not been all sunshine and roses, there had been some thunder and lightening

Family members working for the same company is quite normal, at least in the oil industry which is the industry that I'm familiar with. There is little feedback or complaint from crews about this hire as most of these family members have been raised around the oil industry, visited the rig and understand the commitment and work load, they've heard about it almost everyday from a parent, brother or whoever was in the industry . But for the Administrative Staff (eg): G.M., H.R., Safety, Accounting etc., having one of your family hired on a rig for the same company, on occasion can result in a bit of resentment and harassment for that employee. The comments made to the new hire are usually petty, nothing more than sarcasm, name calling or foolish comments which generally stops within a period of time.

But There is occasionally an exception to the rule: A driller who had previously worked for our Company had re-applied for a drilling position when I was still fairly new in HR. I wasn't familiar with him so did the usual research, discovering that he had been terminated a couple of times and wasn't eligible for rehire, so he was not rehired. There was a lot of bitterness on this persons part which resulted in him coming to the office and pleading with one of the Superintendents to overrule the decision, fortunately our Operations Manager was in complete agreement with me., This visit was then followed by phone calls to me arguing his point. He then went drilling for another contractor but his resentment continued to grow, an example is when he found out that my son was working for that same company as he on the same rig, he now had the opportunity to start getting back, first by voicing his opinion of me - which certainly was not unheard of, but this guy was vicious and relentless. The ultimate act of what appeared to be over-the-top childish revenge, was when he took my son's rig bag which was packed with winter coveralls, boots, clothing, etc. and threw it into the incinerator burning everything, hundreds of dollars worth of gear.

When the land rigs were sold and I was International hiring only, this person then started calling our new office, this went on for some time One of the last calls that I received was a reference check from someone who gave his name and introduced himself as an HR person for a company that I wasn't familiar with and the candidate he was considering hiring as a driller just happened to be the "do not rehire person"!. This call wasn't like most reference calls and the more this person talked the more wary I became and so I asked him to repeat one more time, his name and the company that he was referencing for, at which time he called me a name and hung up. Later that day Joe G., Rig Manager who had worked on the Noble land rigs, called to warn me because he also had been receiving calls and they were getting more threatening. Joe knew the history of this fellow and knew to beware, although no-one could have guessed how far this guy would go.

There wasn't much of a time lapse after the "reference calls" made to me and the threats made to Joe that this same fellow (who I will deliberately leave nameless), went on to ambush, shoot and kill four young RCMP members before shooting and killing himself.

This is an extreme case and one that made all of us aware as to just how far revenge can be carried and not to ever underestimate. In this case, it appeared it was against anyone that he considered part of the "system" and especially law enforcement. The murder of the RCMP was a deliberate organized trap, The brutal, bullying past history of this guy was not known by many until after the murders of those four young RCMP members, at which time the press released these details, This was all before social media.

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