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  • faye3897

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it"-Charles Swindoll

thought I was going to be an accountant. All signs were pointing to it. I was hired into the billing/collections department with Bawden Drilling in 1977 I enjoyed it a lot, and regretted that I hadn't furthered my education with a degree in accounting.

Then I was transferred into Human Resources. The total opposite end of the spectrum. I loved it so much. I was then very sorry that I hadn't gotten a degree in psychology.

Over the next 33 years, I may not have had a piece of paper, but I did get an education. I can assure you that no college or university would have educated me in human nature more that the people that I met during my time with this company in this position. I learned about their ambition, their pride as well as humility, self-respect, respect for others, love of family, and how valuable a great sense of humour can be.

Good people is what makes a good company and Bawden/Noble was just that. I believe that they had the best mixture of personality types to make it one of the best companies to work for.

Over the years, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the funniest and engaging story tellers around. I'm hoping you will all join me as I tell a few tales, and take the opportunity to share your stories and memories as well.

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