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  • faye3897

NDoT.......The Noble Don Taylor

The following message was received from Gus Arriens, Captain/OIM and the crews of the Noble Don Taylor. This message followed Gus's inquiry about Don Taylor as they had not met or knew anything of the man who was the namesake of the drillship that they are on. Gus asked if I knew Don Taylor and yes I sure did, but I felt that the person that knew him better professionally as well as personally was Alan Hay. Alan had worked and socialized throughout Noble's world with Don Taylor for most of Don's years with the company so I contacted him to help with a brief bio of Don Taylor. The following is a result of the what Gus and his crew perceived from the information sent to them. .

Fwd: NDoT - Don Taylor a legacy truly passed to the Family members aboard the Noble Don Taylor drillship.

Dear Faye Kozack,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing Don Taylor attributes with us. You should know that Don Taylor values and his legacy is alive in our heart.

We went on presenting Don Taylor's biography, his time aboard Noble and more important his values and core principals with the entire crew yesterday. We took a moment after each of our 04 pre-tour to disseminate all this information and then different crew members from different companies and Nationalities stood up and described how these wonderful traits could be easily traced aboard the Noble Don Taylor Family nowadays. It goes from our own charisma, genuine care for each other as one Family, open door policy, a thorough mentorship program and for sure a healthy humor and a great positive attitude toward each day.

Signed with Best Regards,

The Noble Don Taylor is presently working offshore Guyana (South America)

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