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  • faye3897

OUR WALL OF SHAME....and its fame

The name " Wall of Shame" started when one of the Noble fellows was in our office and spotted the rig and crew photos that we had displayed, he laughed and asked "what's this, your wall of shame?";

The name stuck, it started out with a few framed pictures of the offshore rigs and a few photos of crew members. Then we started taking our own pictures of the new hires for visa applications etc. and added them to the "wall", we had pictures of rigs, rig crews, weddings, new babies, grandbabies countryside and etc., to be added to our gallery wall. Glen Kelm was one of our first "pinups" on this wall of shame , along with some of his crew mates who's photos he brought in, Glen was also the first to bring in pictures of he and Marie's grandson's for posting. This wall seemed to take on a life of its own and became known almost throughout the Noble world; we had pictures from Canada, Middle East division, Brazil, Nigeria, Mexico, Mozambique just to name a few.

Anyone that came to our office; whether the Noble employee, the Noble spouse, office supply salesman, courier driver or janitor - all would stop to look at this wall, it had many more pictures than what is shown in the photo above which was taken shortly after we started it. the photo of the wall looks a little haphazard but it did get much larger and much more organized, unfortunately I don't have a picture of the organized wall, so you'll need to take my word for !!. My big regret is that when I retired I didn't take these pictures with me, but had I have started taking some who knows how big my album room would have had to be to accommodate. I guess I just thought they would hang on the walls for years to come, wasn't accepting that with time comes change.

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