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  • faye3897

Peers and Allies in the Personnel world

International hiring consists of a lot of communication and coordination between the company's worldwide Personnel staff, we would have weekly conference calls with respect to whichever divisions we were responsible for and the position needing to be filled. Once a suitable candidate was found and agreed upon the process would start.

You know all of this but this time what I want is to share the few pictures that I have, which is a very small percentage, of the people that I had the pleasure of working with over the years.

I also spoke many times over these years reference checking with Iriana Daboin who was with Nabors Drilling International at the time, and Lauren Maris who was with Precision International. Marc Overstreet was with Noble when I first started in HR and then went onto Transocean, we also we kept in contact.

In Alberta most of us Personnel people employed by the Drilling Contractors were working in Nisku Park, so our companies were located very close to each other. Over time we all became very well acquainted, becoming allies as well as competitors . Any new candidates that came to the park looking for work would apply to as many drilling contractors as they could in one day and we were all keen to talk to them, the better the candidate the more we talked. We were often competing for the same candidate the only very minimal plus for us was that our office and yard were located directly across the road from the drilling school where the roughneck course plus well control for both domestic and International along with the other mandatory courses were being taught. Many of the new graduates out of the floorhand course as well as some of the experienced hands that were getting their certificates renewed and possibly a little curious to see what other companies had to offer, would also stop by our office. As you can imagine, I would talk to as many drop-ins as possible.

I had mentioned in an earlier blog that my daughter Elana Hansen was the one who suggested I start a blog, and I am so glad she did, but I had no idea how

to do it, so I contacted Shelley Daisog, my assistant from earlier years and I'm sure her first thought was to remind me that she no longer worked for me!! Anyway as usual Shelley helped me out, this time by suggesting I contact her daughter Lucia Daisog who is very savvy with this sort of thing. Lucia lives in New York so I'm quite sure she has nothing better to do than to help me out but, like her Mom she helped, giving me names of blog sites as well as many good suggestions, thank you Lucia and Shelley. Now I needed someone sitting beside me and holding my hand through the whole learning process and that is where Cindy Hames came in. Cindy and I are good friends, have been for many years and who occasionally have time to meet for lunch, so I suggested lunch, told her of my idea and she offered to help, I would never have been able to get this launched without her leading me through. She still has to put up with me quite frequently because I seem to continually run into a problem that I am not able to solve on my own. Thank you Cindy!!

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