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Recognizing Safety and Loyalty

Canadian Rig Managers meetings, Safety and years of Service Awards, and Christmas parties were an annual event. The "Years of Safety" award would usually be presented at the dinner following the Rig Managers Meetings and often the Christmas party was a function that an employees "years of service" to the Company were recognized..

Peter Bawden had a photographer attend all social functions in and out of the country, so the events were well documented. If one had forgotten how one had behaved or didn't believe what someone told one, there was pictures.....which brings to mind a quote by comedian Phyllis Diller " The part I hated most about the office party was looking for work the next day".

I have a few pictures that I had taken plus some taken by the photographer from the Noble Drilling award banquets, unfortunately I don't have any from the Bawden days awards functions which were taken by a hired photographer who roamed around the room throughout the evening, taking candid shots with no one paying much attention to him.

Boris Ewanchuk, General Manager entertaining with a story, Milton McCoy, Rig Manager receiving the rig safety award for his rig from Warren Twa, V.P., and Milton also receiving his Wait/Kozack foolishness achievement award , whatever we were awarding to the recipient would have been related to some funny event that had happened that year.

President Jim Day and V.P. Larry Heidt also presenting.

Here are a few more photos of the safety or service awards being presented to the rig and camp along with a couple more awards that Wayne Wait and I would present.

The Rig managers meetings, years of service and safety awards were very important events, we just decided to add some humour, The pictures were just random choice and some have been used a couple of times throughout my blog.

The MAIN AND MOST IMPORTANT REASONS for these functions and the photographs was to award employees for their years of service and loyalty to the company and to award and also give honorable mention to those Rig Managers and Drillers who, along with each of their crew members made their work site a notably safe environment.

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