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  • faye3897


Since starting this blog I have had stories that a few Bawden/Noble personnel past or present have shared with me and I want to share a couple with you.

The first story comes from Milton McCoy, Driller/Rig Manager for Bawden Drilling

Many moons ago - Milton was a driller on Bawden Rig #20. The rig was being moved north of Peace River, Alberta to the Chinchaga field. Milton’s crew had to drive up in the crewcab and the second crew, along with camp staff, flew up to the Chinchaga Airstrip in the small crew change plane. For anyone that can remember these planes were small little planes with tight seats and low curved sides. Myrtle St.Germain, head cook was one of the camp staff, better known as mother Myrtle because she was so kind hearted and caring. Myrtle's weakness was that she was terrified of flying and unfortunately on this rig move there were no alternatives, Milton needed his crew with him to go directly to rig site, so the second crew and camp staff had to fly in. Myrtle's recount to Milton was that the day started out badly and continues that way. Myrtle’s anxiety went up a notch as soon as she got in the plane and sat down. The seatbelt would not do up and there was no way she was going to fly without one! Finally after getting the seatbelt adjusted, the flight took off. Just as Myrtle started to relax, they started the descent to the airstrip. They were coming in very low, it seemed they were almost topping the trees and heavy bushland, and then the plane stated to rock and roll swinging back and forth, Myrtle was sure this was her last crew change - ever. Fortunately the trained pilot got them on the ground all in one piece. Ernie Lietz, the Rig Manager was at the rig to pick up the camp staff and take them to camp, the other crew would be picked up later by the crew cab. This is where things started to go sideways literally, it was the middle of winter and they were travelling on Northern Alberta rig roads, Myrtle recalls in spite of the fact that these lease roads were incredibly icy, as soon as they were away from the airstrip Ernie hit the gas feed, she said they were swerving out of one ditch and right into another and he did not let up on that gas pedal one bit until they swerved into location. Myrtle final comments were that the flight in that she was so terrified of paled in comparison to Ernie‘s driving.

I apologize for not having a picture of Myrtle, unfortunately I have limited sources for the photos. If anyone has one - please send it in!

The following stories are from Al Tyson, past Sr. VP for Business Development with Bawden Drilling.

Management meetings can often run late into the night! This is Al's memory from one such management meeting in Texas.

Often after meetings, some people will break off for some “team building”. One group of the attendees, among them Bill Blackie, Al Tyson and Alex Lemmens went for happy hour and dinner, followed with a few more drinks. Most of the group then went to bed but a few decided they should to go to Bill Blackie's room for a nightcap(s). Bill's golf clubs were in the room and Alex Lemmens (one of the guys that felt the need for a nightcap) decided it was also a good time to practice his golf swing. Sometimes nightcaps bring out the athletes hidden inside of us.

Alex took a mighty swing.......... and smashed the coffee table, it wasn't one of Alex's best swings but was certainly one of the more expensive ones. Four!

A different time, after a meeting in Lakeway, Texas (which is next door to Austin, Texas), Mike Schneider (who is now a federal judge) suggested to some of the younger meeting attendees that they should visit 6th street, Mike’s suggestion was eagerly embraced and another “team” formed and headed in to Austin to visit the infamous 6th Street - known for its wall to wall bars. The younger attendees, who remain anonymous simply because some of the names have been forgotten, had a rousing time and in the wee morning hours headed back to Lakeway. Unfortunately on the way back to Lakeway they had an accident with the company car they were driving, fortunately no one was injured but some possible future promotions may have taken a back seat.

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