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  • faye3897


I published my first article for "Yak with Kozack" on February 22, 2022, I have enjoyed this project so much, but as life teaches us, all good things must come to an end.

I want to thank everyone that sent photos and shared stories with me, and a huge/grateful thank you to everyone that read these stories each week.

The Noble Don Taylor and crew photos my thanks to Gus Arriens, Captain/OIM of the NDT.

The photos posted throughout my blog are a very small percentage of the wonderful people that I either worked with or for at one time or another in the 33 years that I was with Noble, some of which I'm proud to say have remained very good friends of mine.

The photos of our social events were taken either by the company photographer, myself or someone else that had a camera on them at the time. The cellphone camera was nonexistent!!

It is difficult to get these pictures sized to fit without clipping more than should be but I have many photos that I would like to post and I can't seem to make them small without the page adjusting it automatically.

Safety awards, BBQ's and rig managers meetings.

Safety (and possibly tolerance) awards also for the wonderful men and women that work in camp kitchens, both on and offshore.

I have covered everything from monkey business at the rig........ a rig that was built to perfect scale when the oil industry first moved into Eastern Alberta in the early 50's by a young fellow (Don Rost) who was totally fascinated by the working of a rig but never ever worked on one.

It was easy to feel as if you had become part of the family.

Have you found that there are many people in your career that you just never tire of? So have I.

Sand and Water - they are everywhere!

It does appear that having a celebration of some sort was in the monthly man-made agenda!!

I could go on for pages thanking all that have helped me - either to get me started, give me stories and pictures or those that were great material for me to write about!! Lyle McKain and Ernie Leonhardt loaned me all of the company magazines that I re-printed from, .

My Daughter Elana Hansen for suggesting the blog in the first place, Lucia Daisog steering me in the right direction for a website and Cindy Hames for carrying me through, I'm sure it was like a very long pregnancy for Cindy with what appeared to have no end in sight!!

Here we are to a very special page for me , nothing says it like the photos - these pics. I owe a big thanks to Johnathan Gay and Johnathan Modeste from the NFK.

Every day that I wrote another page or had another thought about what I would write, I recounted what a "job" I had surrounded by the best. I am thankful each and every day for each and every day that I had with Noble Drilling and all of you that I had either the pleasure of working with or talking to.

For the many new staff and crew members that are now under the Noble Drilling Umbrella, it may presently seem a bit foreign, there is almost a sense of loss and I understand that feeling, but it will improve. I found that the most difficult part to deal with regarding the sale of the company I was with was the name change. I loved working for that Company Name - I was proud to be there, it was home and it had been good to me. As you sit back and try to adjust you suddenly realize that it was a name - your crews and staff members are all in the same boat and all with you side by side just as it was before that dreaded sale business!! They are names, its the people that make the company.

Noble Drilling and Noble Drilling People- what a great combination for a hugely successful future for all of you. Work together, work to the best of your ability and BE SAFE.


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