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  • faye3897

Venturesome visitors...and visits

We had many Rig Managers visit our office but the one and only International Rig Manager that came to work with us in Leduc, Alberta for a few days was Jim Breckenridge who was from the U.S. and working in the Nigeria Division at that time.

I don't think it was an act of bravery but rather a form of punishment for misdeeds by sending him to Canada to work with females only, in a recruiting office for offshore drilling crews! To his credit he did not run out of the office screaming and shouting obscenities so I guess either he or we passed the test, and he did speak to us later.. We had Jim's photo posted on the wall of shame but as I had said earlier, those photos were all boxed up and sent away after I retired, so I borrowed this photo from the linkedin page.

Visitors from St. John's. Nfld. that either visited our Nisku office, my home or met for dinner while visiting Alberta who's pictures I have were Jennifer Mercer, Lou Puddister. Nicole Parsons and Linda Smith. Nicole spent a few days with us in the Leduc office and on that weekend we went for a tour to Banff for a couple of nights before she flew back home.

I think Bill Jennings was the first Houston Corporate office person to visit our Leduc office and after much coaxing we talked my boss, Joe Knight, into coming for a visit..... during the summer. Joe was not trusting our Alberta weather so a winter visit was definitely out of the question, no matter how much we talked of how he should see the beauty of our winter he'd decline, saying he'd settle for a photograph..

I loved visiting the Lafayette office, it was a field office so on occasion I would get to meet those Noble fellows who picked up their airline tickets from the travel office. That along with the pleasure of working with the staff, in this city, that has the best food and a very fun atmosphere made it another one of my favorite places .

Following are photos of the Navigant travel staff in Lafayette along with pictures of Mona and Mike Coulter who later came visiting to Canada a few times. One photo is of my right arms at the time- Shelley Daisog and Doreen Myrfield, along with Mona and Mike taken in our Leduc office standing in front of our "wall of shame". During one of their trips to Leduc Doreen, who was also my human GPS, and I took them to Banff. Although it was spring there had been a fresh heavy snowfall the day before we left, much to Mike's delight so I was to make many stops along the way so he could get out and play in the snow. This was the season and the reason - September until June inclusive- that a trip to Canada for Joe K. was not happening.

The following photo is from a trip to New Brunswick visiting with Tom and Ann Prosser in New Brunswick, travelled into Nova Scotia, back to NB and then on to PEI for a visit with the Compton's. Another good time visiting with friends (who just happen to be Noble people) and eating wonderful fresh seafood. There wasn't anything wrong with the refreshments either.

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