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  • faye3897

Yes - We saved the world

Really we deserve a medal. We've been saving the world since 1977. I've been having coffee with Ted Webber since then - he's become one of my best lifetime friends. The coffee conversations started when I started with Peter Bawden Drilling, and if I needed some help understanding the "third party cost" clause in a contract

, I would pour a coffee and go into the Superintendents office - and ask my questions. The superintendent was Ted Webber. Ted would explain it and and then add "if in doubt bill em" they'll let you know in a hurry if you're wrong, and they did!

Ted and Muriel retired from Bawden in 1984, but our coffee times never missed a beat, even a pandemic didn't stop us. We would meet in the McDonalds parking lot - windows lined up - and catch up, whoever arrived first bought coffee. For 45 years we've been swapping funny stories, from the job or trying to figure out why our governments don't have specialists such as ourselves to sort out their mistakes and help run the country.

We share our knowledge with anyone that will listen, such Al Peters, Lyle McKain, Doug Rourke and Boris Ewanchuk.

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